Thursday, January 14, 2010


There is a part of me that is always trying to overcome my faults, but there is another, much more persuasive side of me that is quite happy to accept that all the faults I see in myself are the very things that make up who I am and have always been and so I've sometimes been known to revel in, even celebrate the very traits which I often attempt to exorcise. This is no less of a fair description for how I feel about humanity in general. On one hand all the ignorance, stupidity, and foolishness of human beings makes me crazy with fear, shame and intense disgust. On the other hand if none of you were fucked up - I'd be the only ass left still trying to lug my baggage up this big ol' mountain of crap we call life.

I've always been a procrastinator. Why do today what you can put off til tomorrow? I've also recently taken up the habit of taking on more work than a procrastinator has any right to commit to. Currently, I have 2 part-time jobs, I'm trying to get ready for my first (as of yet not scheduled) art show, and I'm taking 2 courses a semester in Linguistics. So, rather than spend this fine evening on any of those things, I've decided to start a blog. Perfect!

In my life, I've read two blogs. Both were in the last few days. I once heard a writer waxing on about the degradation of modern writer's craft in the new blogosphere (I guess its not so new anymore). He went on and on about how our expectation of good writing is being destroyed by this stream-of-consciousness lack-of-editing style of communication. At the time, in my ever so smug English-Lit-BA-toting mind, I thought "here! here!" Who wants to read these people's self-serving uncrafted garbage anyways? Well I still certainly don't, but you might, and I will now officially stop judging you for that.

Thanks to the following two blogs, I am now a blogger too.


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